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Kisah Teladan

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Islamic stories for your smartphone or tablet

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Kisah Teladan is a mobile ebook application that provides users with a collection of inspiring stories rooted in Islamic teachings. It is a valuable resource for anyone looking to immerse themselves in tales of exemplary figures and morals. With a selection of 30 stories available in the current version (2.1), the app offers a rich tapestry of narratives, which includes the forthcoming addition of stories about 25 prophets, enriching the existing content.

Users are encouraged to engage with the material by leaving comments and ratings, providing feedback, or making suggestions to enhance their experience. This interactive component amplifies user involvement and helps guide future updates.

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This app is an excellent tool for individuals seeking to learn or teach lessons grounded in Islamic tradition through accessible and thought-provoking stories. Its straightforward design and user-friendly interface make it accessible to a wide audience, ensuring a seamless reading experience. Whether for personal reflection or educational purposes, Kisah Teladan stands as a significant resource for those interested in the values and stories of the Islamic faith.

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Information about Kisah Teladan 2.1

Package Name com.appmk.book.AOTZJDQFYEEFEZAYV
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Comics & Book Readers
Language English
Author Hazlan Yahaya
Downloads 1,315
Date Mar 25, 2015
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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